Monday, February 24, 2020

Tableau: PISA and Education Ranking

Using Tableau to better look at the datasets and the perception of education ranking.

Key takeaways

  • Based on the statistic, the US ranked below average compared to other countries.
  • From 2009 to 2015 dropped drastically and starting to make progress since. Both 2009 and 2015 were the peak of the peak and bottom. This statistic is likely referring to the local academy. 
  • Based on the "perception-based global survey", the US ranked # 1. This is most likely referring to higher education levels and foreign students studying abroad.
  • Some of the obvious leaders of educational scores are Japan, Korea, China, Hong Kong, and Canada. 

Pandas: SQL Like pandas operations

Pandas's SQL Like operations such as WHERE clause. = != >= str.contains() & | .isin() .isnull() .notnull() ....